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The WISE pre-TEST 

The WISE pre-TEST is is a national standardized exam that tests the student’s aptitude in personal finance prior to the completion of a personal finance course. This pre-TEST is part of FINA150 but does NOT count toward your grade in the course. However, if a student takes the WISE pre-TEST, they will receive extra credit on their first exam.

The WISE pre-TEST must be taken as a cohort and will be given only once.  Your professor will provide you a date. The WISE pre-TEST will be given using ZOOM (not Honorlock).

Instructions for taking the WISE exam via ZOOM.  Students must

  1. Be seated at a table or desk directly facing their webcam.
  2. Be in a well-lighted environment so their face can be clearly viewed by instructor in ZOOM.
  3. Keep webcam on during entire exam or may not receive credit for the exam.
  4. May not leave their exam once started.  Please use restroom, get water, scratch paper prior the exams start time.
  5. ​May not use headphones, ear pods, etc.
  6. Only scratch paper is allowed on WISE exam.  No calculators.

This pre-TEST covers only on Personal Finance topics and is basic in nature as only scratch paper is allowed (no calculators).  Instructors have no specific knowledge of the questions on the exam. The WISE pre-TEST is ​45 minutes in length and has 50 questions. The topics are more general in nature as the pre-TEST is looking to gauge the student’s overall grasp of the material.  The four areas of the pre-TEST are

  • ​​Money / Money Management / Personal Financial Planning
  • Banking
  • Credit
  • Insurance & Investing​

Below are the general instructions for all WISE exams.  You will receive and email the day of your scheduled WISE exam at least 1 hour prior to exam time with session ID as well as link to join ZOOM session.

  1. Click on the link you received to launch ZOOM meeting (​Anyone not logged into Zoom will not be granted access to the WISE exam.)
  2. Go to
  3. Enter session number (xxxxx-xx) (include hyphen) sent day of pre-TEST
  4. ​​Students will choose “New Student”and “Personal Finance” and enter login information (Name, student id, birthday, grade, class, etc). Students must use their Longwood ID (Lnumber).  Anyone not using their Lnumber will result in no extra credit.
  5. Once this information is entered, you will get a message “Waiting for proctor approval“. Please be patient as everyone will be granted approval at the designated start time.
  6. Once you have completed the exam, you are free to leave.

Remember, WISE pre-TEST scores do not factor into your FINA150 final grade, however for students that take the pre-TEst and use their Lnumber as their student ID will receive extra credit on their first exam.